ERJ series tracking decarbonisation efforts by major manufacturers in the synthetic rubber industry
In this Q&A interview, ERJ asks Kazuhiro Ejiri, technical director at Zeon Elastomers, about the group’s sustainability strategy and progress being made towards meeting its decarbonisation goals for its synthetic rubber production operations:
ERJ: How is Zeon responding to the increasingly tight regulations being imposed on synthetic rubber producers in the main global regions?
KE: Compliance and adherence to various laws and regulations are essential initiatives for doing business in any market. We at Zeon see these as a business opportunities and are actively working on it. In particular, in terms of CO2 emissions, we have set a high target of carbon neutrality by 2050 and have various projects underway to achieve a 10% reduction by 2026 and 42% by 2030 (Scope 1+2, compared to 2020).
ERJ: What progress has Zeon made in reducing the carbon footprint of its polymer production processes, and what future improvements are expected?
KE: In 2022, Zeon completed the changeover to 100% renewable energy of purchased electricity at four plants in Japan. By introducing an internal carbon pricing system, we have also set criteria for capital investment in accordance with increases or decreases in CO2 emissions, as well as promoting reforms in energy conservation and manufacturing processes. Zeon aims to achieve a 10% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2026 and 42% by 2030 (Scope 1+2, compared to 2020).
ERJ: What are Zeon’s targets for the replacement of fossil-based feedstock with bio-based and/or recycled alternatives by 2030.
KE: Although no specific targets have been set at the moment, use of bio-material sources is one of the most important projects as part of the carbon reduction activities.
ERJ: What progress has the company made towards achieving its carbon-reduction targets?
KE: In order to become carbon neutral by 2050, Zeon is increasing the number of ISCC Plus-certified plants and expanding its product range using bio-based raw materials.
We have also invested in Visolis (USA) for the production of bio isoprene, and are developing technologies that combine biological (fermentation) and chemical reactions based on biomass raw materials. Furthermore, we are participating in a project to synthesise bio butadiene from ethanol in a highly efficient manner, with the aim of establishing a pilot plant for the technology by 2030.
ERJ: How is Zeon addressing concerns over the impact of additives, such as stabilisers, used in synthetic rubber on human health and the environment?
KE: Zeon products comply with European chemical laws and regulations (REACH, SVHC, RoHS, etc.). For products manufactured in Japan, detailed information on the relevant substances is disclosed on the chemSHERPA website. In addition, we are constantly monitoring trends in legislation in each country, and for substances of concern, we are closely monitoring the regulatory trends and are promptly considering alternatives.
ERJ: Please describe how one or two end-product applications (eg automotive, consumer, industrial parts) that show how Zeon’s elastomer materials contribute to decarbonisation.
KE: For example, Zeon sells SSBR for tire applications. Zeon’s SSBRs are ISCC Plus certified and contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the tire itself. The polymer’s design technology also makes a significant contribution to the tire properties of low fuel consumption, thereby contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles.
ERJ: Any other points regarding Zeon’s role in reducing global carbon emissions?
KE: Zeon has contributed to the development of customers’ lives and industry with its petrochemical products. In the future, we will use the technologies we have developed to find new decarbonisation technologies and contribute to the reduction of global carbon emissions.
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