ERJ Brainteaser: June
28 Jun 2024

For some impressive ‘clue-free’ answering, it’s big congratulations to Michele Girardi, Kamila Staszewska, Andrew Knox and David Mann, new joint holders of the Brainiac of the Month title
Question 3: Three triangles
504 396 ???
Answer: Extra kudos this week to Michele Girardi, quality manager, Scame Mastaf SpA, Suisio, Italy, who came up with the correct answer 324 (see Solutions below) before any clues were issued. He was followed during the week by: John Bowen, consultant, Bromsgrove, UK; Kamila Staszewska, R&D / quality lead, Abcon Industrial Products Ltd, Cootehill, Co. Cavan, Ireland; Sudi Sudarshan, principal consultant, Global Mobility Strategies, USA; Andrew Knox, Rubbond International, Ohé en Laak, The Netherlands; Wong SiauWoon, R&D manager, gloves company, Malaysia. Well done to all and everyone else who had a go.
Michele Girardi
As can be seen below, each number can be obtained multiplying by 9 the product of the ranks of the letters
504 396 324
8 7 4 11 12 3
504 = 8*7*9 396 = 4*11*9 324 = 12*3*9
John Bowen
We know a = 1, so B = 2 and so on
504 = 8 x 7 x 9
396 = 4 x 11 x 9
so ??? = 12 x 3 x9 = 324
Kamila Staszewska
504 H G
H=8, F=7, 8x7=56, 504:56=9 (third multiplication factor discovered)
396 D K
D=4, K=11, 4x11=44, 44x9=396
L=12, C=3, 12x3=36, 36x9=324
Sudi Sudarshan
The number is derived as follows: 9 * (ordinal position of first letter * ordinal position of second letter)
H = 8, G = 7; 7*8 = 56; 56*9 = 504
D = 4, K = 11; 4*11 = 44; 44*9 = 396
L = 12, C = 3; 12*3 = 36; 36*9 = 324
Andrew Knox
Converting the letters into numbers as suggested, the second row becomes 8 7, 4 11, 12 3
Factoring the 3-digit numbers gives:
504 = 2^3 x 3^2 x 7 = 8 x 9 x 7 = 504
396 = 2^2 x 3^2 x 11 = 4 x 9 x 11 = 396,
whereby the first and last numbers here correspond with the letters.
Assuming 9 is common to all the middle numbers and that the letters/corresponding numbers beneath each 3-digit number are indeed their factors, then the last number would be 12 x 9 x 3 = 324.
Wong Siau Woon
H = 8
G = 7
8 x 9 = 72
504 / 7 = 72
D = 4
K = 11
4 x 9 = 36
396/11 = 36
L = 12
C = 3
12 x 9 = 108
? / 3 = 108
? = 108 x 3 = 324
New teaser on Monday
Question 2: Tough teaser
12 + 11 = 68
10 + 9 = 52
8 + 7 = 36
6 + 5 = 24
4 + 3 = 12
2 + 1 = ?
Clues: Prime...
Answer: Seems like the harder they come, the harder they fall, as a select number of our top Brainiacs swatted this ‘tough’ one away with ease – especially Kamila Staszewska, R&D / quality lead, Abcon Industrial Products Ltd, Cootehill, Co. Cavan, Ireland; Andrew Knox, Rubbond International, Ohé en Laak, The Netherlands; and David Mann, Polymer Business Development (retired), UK; who answered well before any clues were issued. They were followed soon after by: Kate Burns, senior technologist and regulatory officer, Prisma Colour Ltd, Birch Vale, High Peak, Derbyshire; Sudi Sudarshan, principal consultant, Global Mobility Strategies, USA; Stephan Paischer, head of product management and market intelligence, Semperit AG Holding, Vienna, Austria; Michele Girardi, quality manager, Scame Mastaf SpA, Suisio, Italy and John Bowen, consultant, Bromsgrove, UK. Well done to all and everyone else who had a go.
Kamila Staszewska
The numbers of the right are sum of consecutive prime numbers; numbers on the left denote the order number in prime sequence.
e.g. 12th prime is 37 and 11th prime is 31, sum of which 37+31=68.
Therefore 2nd + 1st prime is 3+2=5.
Andrew Knox
These are sums of pairs of numbers in a list of the first 12 prime numbers:
i.e. 1st & 2nd = 2 + 3 = 5, the first 12 prime numbers being 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37.
David Mann
Not so tough. It looks like the sums of pairs of the first 12 prime numbers (not counting 1)
12 + 11 (37+31) = 68
10 + 9 (29 + 23) = 52
8 + 7 (19 + 17) = 36
6 + 5 (13 + 11) = 24
4 + 3 (7 + 5) = 12
2 + 1 (3 + 2) = 5
Kate Burns
2 + 1 = 5
The series is the sum of pairs of prime numbers (3+2, 7+5, 13+11, 19+17…), where the numbers in the sum refer to the nth prime number, i.e. 1=2, 2=3, 3=5 etc.
Sudi Sudarshan
My answer to this week's clue: 5
Solution: The equations are in the form:
m-th prime + (m-1)-th prime = n
The first several prime numbers are 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41, ...
12th prime + 11th prime = 37+31 = 68
10th prime + 9th prime = 29+23 = 52
8th prime + 7th prime = 19+17 = 36
6th prime + 5th prime = 13+11 = 24
4th prime + 3rd prime = 7+5 = 12
2nd prime + 1st prime = 3+2 = 5
Stephan Paischer
The answer is 5.
It is the sum of the 1st and 2nd prime number: 2 + 3 = 5
And further, the 3rd and 4th: 5 + 7 = 12 etc.
Michele Girardi
Hi there,
The answer is 2 +1 = 5 , the key is that the addends are the ranks of the prime numbers :
1,2,3, 4, 5 ... correspond to 2,3,5,7,11, etc.
Question 1: Neat numbers
4 = 46, 5 = 521, 6 = 612, _?_,
Answer: Proved a bit trickier than expected for readers to identify the answer 7=343 (see Solutions below). Extra well done, so, to: Simon Winfield, director, MacLellan Rubber Ltd, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton, UK; Andrew Knox, Rubbond International, Ohé en Laak, The Netherlands; Amparo Botella, responsable de Compras y Calidad, Ismael Quesada SA, Elche, Alicante, Spain; Michele Girardi, quality manager, Scame Mastaf SpA, Suisio, Italy; Kamila Staszewska, R&D / quality lead, Abcon Industrial Products Ltd, Cootehill, Co. Cavan, Ireland; Sudi Sudarshan, principal consultant, Global Mobility Strategies, USA; and everyone else who had a go.
Simon Winfield
The next numbers in the sequence are 343, 215 and 927
The numbers shown are their cube values reversed.
4 x 4 x 4 = 64 reversed = 46
5 x 5 x 5 =125 reversed = 521
6 x 6 x6 = 216 reversed = 612
7 x 7 x 7 = 343 reversed = 343
8 x 8 x 8 = 512 reversed = 215
9 x 9 x 9 = 729 reversed = 927
Amparo Botella
Neat number is the cube of the number, what means that:
The neat number for 4 = 64, if we invert then number we get: 46
The neat number for 5 = 125 ……………………………………….. 521
The neat number for 6 = 216 ……………………………………….. 612
The neat number for 7 = 343………………………………………… 343
The missing numbers are: 7=343
Michele Girardi
The answer is 7=343 .
The number on the right is obtained by the cube of the one of the left, reading the digits right to left :
4, 64, 46
5, 125, 521
6, 216, 612
7, 343, 343
Andrew Knox
Answer: 7 = 343
Series of ascending integers whereby the answer is the number cubed and then the digits reversed.
Kamila Staszewska
These are reversed cubes of numbers:
4 > 64 > 46
5 > 125 > 521
6 > 216 > 612
Next number and the answer:
7 > 343 > 343
Sudi Sudarshan
4=46, 5=521, 6=612, 7=343, 8=215, 9=927
Solution: Right-hand numbers are the cubes of the left-hand numbers with digits reversed.
4: 4^3 = 64; digits reversed = 46
5: 5^3 = 125; digits reversed = 521
6: 6^3 = 216; digits reversed = 612
7: 7^3 = 343 ; digits reversed = 343
8: 8^3 = 512; digits reversed = 215
9: 9^3 = 729; digits reversed = 927