Orion raising rubber carbon black prices in Europe
31 Mar 2022
Company increasing carbon black oil surcharge, introducing a natural gas charge
Houston, Texas – Orion Engineered Carbons is increasing its carbon black oil surcharge and introducing a natural gas charge on all rubber carbon black products manufactured in Europe.
In a statement 30 March, Orion said the increase, the amount of which was not disclosed, will be effective for all shipments made on or after 1 April, or as permitted by customer contracts.
“Due to changes in feedstock availability, quality and logistics, the company considers it necessary to adjust its carbon black oil surcharge to reflect actual cost developments,” said the statement.
In addition, a natural gas surcharge is being introduced due to the “volatile cost situation in the natural gas supply,” Orion said.
“These actions are required to continue to remain a reliable, long-term global supplier of high-quality goods and services to our customers,” the company concluded.
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